How to submit a photograph |
You will need to be a TRF member and logged inSelect Member Files from the Left Hand Menu Use the Submit button Select Upload a file from your comuter Browse for the relevant photograph from your cumputer and then click 'Upload' Wait until the entry box appears with the document tab at the top Complete the boxes as follows:
TITLE Enter a title for the Photograph CATEGORY Select the Members Photos Category DATE [Leave as default] THUMBNAIL [Leave as default] FILE [Leave as your filename by default] HOMEPAGE [Leave Blank] DESCRIPTION Complete a description E.G. Photo from our local run 28th April 2009, Simon Bingham, South Northants Group [HINT: Please use a description that will allow admin to categorise the photo]
Now Click the Tickbox at the bottom and your Photo will be submitted for approval by the Admin Team. The photo will be filed in an appropriate category. Please note that if the Description is incomplete or Missing the Photo will be filed as general in the Members Photos category Any problems Email
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