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Template for adding TRO posts
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Author:  trfit [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Template for adding TRO posts

This page is intended for users to copy as a template for adding TRO notifications to this area.

Please get the information required to complete the page before submitting.

Copy below.

Subject TRO: e.g Stonehenge TRO
Area: e.g Wiltshire
Deadline for objections: insert date for objections
Further info: link to any documents or website.
Discussion (TRF members only):link to specific topic in the members area RoW Talk Forum
Comments: any useful information
Contact: name of any specific TRF member that enquiries can be made to

Author:  Captain Crash [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Viking Way (Denton ti Skillington the Drift propsed prohibit

Hi All
Thank you to all those who sent in a objection if I can ask one more favour that we right in and ask why your objection has been over ruled as no reason have been given yet the meeting was a proposal to consider facts and take into consideration any objections and was held behind closed doors.
Please write (sorry they won't take e-mails on this one!) to;
Mark Heaton,
Area Highways Manager- Grantham,
Highways West'
County Offices, Annexe C.
Eastgate , Sleaford,
NG34 7EB
I am asking for a copy of the report from the meeting.
Thank you all again.
ps it is still open and legal for MOTORBIKES ONLY at the moment I will be out riding it Sunday because I can!

Author:  Captain Crash [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Template for adding TRO posts

Sorry need to bump this as I cocked first time round (this site is a kin nightmare), maybe it won't achieve owt but it will cost you a stamp but these lot think they can act outside of the law.
Thank you all again

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