TRF Forums

Digital Maps
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Author:  Womble [ Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

Guys - if you want to organise rideouts, please create a new topic. I've moved the discussion for you, to here

Author:  geodude [ Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

The Dorset and Wiltshire links are broken. Use these to fix them

Dorset -
Wiltshire - ... apping.htm

Author:  cjard [ Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

Womble wrote:
I happened to have an OS map for the area and I used Google Maps to find out where Aislaby was - once I had located Aislaby on the map, I could work out what grid square was needed. It's not exactly a quick process though!

I know womble's post was over a year ago, but her's a tip:
Search the place, e.g. Aislaby and bring the map up
Find a link near the map called "Click here to convert and measure coordinates" or similar

It will give the grid ref of Aislaby, which would be NZxxxyyy....

The NZ is a square number from a grid covering the UK:

A grid ref of NZ 111 222 could also be written as a full reference of 411100,522200 and is a literal number of metres in a east,north direction from a point off the tip of lands end in cornwall.. so essentially the NZ is the 4 and the 5 in the fullgrid ref (because NZ is 4 along and 5 up, remember to count square SV as 0,0), and then the 11100 is that number of metres east into square NZ (which starts 400000 metres east, 500000 metres north of cornwall) and 22200 is the metres north from the start of the square. You can specify any number of digits you like in the grid ref but in NZ 111 222 form it's accurate to 100metres, in full 6 digits per coordinate form it's accurate to 1 metre

Author:  ANDY.T [ Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

Open, zoom to area you want. OS, road, aerial view ect...

At top is menu buttons


Centre the lane you want to refer to and from the top menu buttons select the envelope icon/share button to copy a direct link to the open map screen...

Very quick and easy to send link to OS map location...


This link provides a split screen side by side view with your choice of map types from a list including old 1930 os and historical along with current os, sat aerial view and even allows you to use the google street view on os maps ! With an arrow on the other side map showing where you are and what direction you are looking at. :shock: Great for reviewing a planned ride to a new area...

Also good to see what was on the 1930 os map that "missing" from the modern maps..

When you follow a lane on one of the split screens the other follows it as well...brilliant research, planning tool..

Also provides a link button to share what you are looking at with others...


THE best site I have ever used for planning routes for a ride to load up to any satnav using .gpx files... Quick, easy, simple.

Author:  jonpaul1st [ Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

National Library of Scotland. Online Bartholomews Maps and Historical OS.

Barts maps were preffered by motorists and cyclists

also: ... ateto=2010

A wide range of historical maps. Some gems there. Ploughed out carriageway? The resouce has online 1930's land usage maps that may help establish when it was ploughed.

Author:  jonpaul1st [ Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps


Could those that have previously posted links to digital maps on this thread check them and update if needed?

New links to new maps appreciated :)

Author:  Dandra Garth [ Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

North Yorkshire ... _footpaths

Dropping down the "Road Network" tab shows various classes of road
be careful as there are some UCR marked which are not legal for vehicles.

Author:  wiltshirebyways [ Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps

Thanks for compiling the list. It really ought to be made a 'sticky' post or published (and maintained!) on the website.

Author:  sstout [ Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps - Updated Shropshire maps info

Author:  stormbringer [ Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Maps


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