As colleagues have already written this is not such a simple topic mainly because of all the 'red tape'.
If we look at the Peak District alone, although routes are shown with BOATs not all BOATs are open for vehicular access, Roych; Chapel Gate; Leys Lane are three examples, they are still BOAT status but have a TRO preventing recreational motorists from using them.
We live in a blame culture and that creates more problems, if I give you information and it is incorrect for what ever reason then in theory you might be able to make a financial claim against me. Run leaders are constantly at risk and we seem to be covered in a cloud of almost fear because it is a grey area.
Some, many, routes are on lanes that are not classified in anyway so nobody can say what their legal status is. The anti motorist brigade, who by the way read and log our messages, would claim that we should not use them until the legality is proven but they conveniently forget their beginnings were led by breaking the then Law at Hayfield
Once the route is proven to be Legal then they try to get a TRO imposed to prevent our use. Selfish
I have ridden the routes in Derbyshire since 1973 and the Lake District since 1964, back then nobody bothered so long as you were respectful, now unfortunately society seems to have changed and seems more selfish. Too many people with self interest in too small a geographical area
Get in touch with the Groups if you want information.