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 Post subject: Hereford TRF meeting 3 October 2017
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:37 am 
300 cc

Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:41 pm
Posts: 537
4 OCT 17

1. Intro. Gray welcomed all, then thanked Dave Bone for the donation of 6 part-used Enduro tyres; provided by renowned grass track sidecar racer. Also encouraged all to purchase Christmas cards from Mike Pullin (Hospice Angels).(Spike was seen rummaging through his purse but he could only find white fivers).

2. Ride-outs (Gray).

• 28/29 Oct. Devon, organised by Joe. Staying Premier Inn Sat night before long route Sun. Spaces aval.
7 Oct DS 650 leading to go north to the mynd. DS +7 solos...ride now full.

3. Police Ops (Gray).

• 1 Oct, first event. RVd and briefed at Monmouth Police Stn. CB (Police LO) very supportive and organised an amnesty for HTRF members to ride footpaths, bridleways etc over lands near Trelleck (incl the quarry). Natural Resources Wales also represented = centralized coord (which worked well).
• 4 x 4 man gps, all with HTRF hi-viz vests.
• Aim to approach legal riders and extol virtues and benefits of TRF. Not chase illegals (unless my stolen 450 was seen obviously).
• Members of public seemed pos response, and impressed with idea of TRF. Some ramblers noted down number plates.
• All very much enjoyed opportunity to ride areas otherwise OOB, and work in close coop with Police. Education from all sides.

• Next event 15 Oct. Abergavenny. Need to scrutinize maps and design routes. Reminder that bikes need to be fully legal incl number plates.

• HTRF to consider leaders to wear HTRF vests on normal ride-outs, hence promote TRF and legal riding. Police supportive. NB: HTRF need purchase addl vests.

• Police also appraised of need for decent and visible signage on legal green rds. They will investigate. TRF to become involved?

4. RoW (Nick D).

• Has purchased the Green Book eg “Rights of Way Restoring the Record”, £32. Allegedly Nick read it cover to cover whilst on hols, but when quizzed he was only able to recall some of the pretty pictures. Intends attending trg session in Bicester 19 Nov, £10.
• Green Rds updates:
o Oldcastle. Green Rd in both Hfd and Monmouthshire. Nick D seeking access to Monmouth Network Mgr. Route overgrown, local farmer very anti, exacerbated by 4x4s.
o Browns Lane. Blocked, needs careful approach to unravel.
o British Horse Society (BHS). Marden. Liaison visit planned. Bizarrely unaware of existence TRF.

5. Maps (Ryan).

• Latest OS Explorer (1:25k) have unique scratch codes that allow maps to be downloaded onto smart phone. Can plan routes a la MemoryMap. Maps specific to indiv app acct.
• Nick D impressed but not as impressed as his circa 1735 map that he spent many a happy hour colouring in with his crayons.
• Ryan also recced local routes around Hoarwithy – ideal for Beginners (and 2 stroke owners).

6. HHT Event (Gray).

• Mtg held earlier to ident lessons learned. Those have been distributed. Other suggestions/observations welcome.
• But recognized that need to focus more effectively for HHT18. Hence intend form HHT Committee. Aim to formulate plans and lead on organising event. Will then report back to main HTRF membership. Gray approached indivs and can cfm fol:
o Gray Proj Mgr
o Tim Loo rolls
o Dano Food and Drink
o Reece Webpage and adverts (assist by Martin)
o Kelvin Land mgt
o Harvey Fuel mgt
o Nick S Tentage/shelter
o Mark Camp Comdt
o Wayne Assist Camp Comdt
o Florin Power and Light
o Lee Logistics
o Rupert Gp allocation/admin
• Groups. Pre-allocate for Sat, accept maj changes for Sun. Need avoid over-use of, particularly, local green rds. Essential stop non-Event ride-outs on Thu/Fri.
• Donation to Hospice. Still probs with access to HTRF bank acct fol Jim’s death. Just had cfm that Gray, Harvey and Adam are signatories. Also applied for internet banking. Mike P will arrange hand-over of cheque/photos at Hospice; HTRF on bikes welcome.
• Video/phots. Any footage to Martin pse.

7. AOB.

• Reece H will now admin HTRF webpage.
• Survey. Encourage all to complete survey/questionnaire on Brecon Beacons Nat Pk website. Very anti-veh in outlook. (Link sent to all HTRF members via WhatsApp).
• Local Access Forum for Brecon Beacons seeking new members. Nick D considering. Kelvin mention it to SWTRF. Noted that they legally reqd to demonstrate balance of membership.
• First anniversary of HTRF. Congrats to all and thanks for the support. Must celebrate – Xmas Party? Location? RoW? Curry? Suggestions on WhatsApp please.

8. Raffle. £58 raised. Tyres won by Tim, Spike, Rupert, Wayne, Nick S, Jack.

5 Oct 17

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