mike Irving wrote:
It has been suggested that i am asking for the D to D to be cancelled and in doing so maybe uspet the organisers and in turn affect support for the TRF.
I am sorry that this post could be taken in this way and i apologise if i have caused any offence to anyone anywhere in connection with this matter.
Just to be Clear...........
I am not asking for the D to D to be cancelled or moved or anything like it........ Nor am i belittling the Event in any way........if i was a good enough rider i would probably entered myself. It is unfortunate that there maybe some of you entered into the D To D who would like to help in our protest but there will be plenty of other opportunities in the weeks and months to follow.
But if we do not do something NOW in the Peaks then events like the D to D will be all we have left to do until someone complains enough because of the noise and danger to fir trees and gets it cancelled as well.