Norfolk County Council have come up with a novel solution to a problem that threatened to deprive the public of the use of a fairly long byway in the south of the county.
The byway which runs through the parishes of Brettenham and Bridgeham close to a non vehicular (footpath) section of the historic Peddars Way is due to be closed indefinitely for environmental reasons.
The problem is protected ground nesting birds who have carelessly decided to take up residence in the middle of the road. The land surrounding the byway is an SSSI and a nature reserve with seasonally limited public access. Ironically from our point of view it was the use of the route by walkers that was considered to pose the greatest threat to the wildlife. Especially those walkers who like the company of dogs!
This could have simply lead to the route being closed to all users but to their credit, Norfolk County Council appear to have worked quite hard to broker a compromise solution.
The lane will close indefinitely under the TRO as proposed but in its place will be an alternative "permisive byway" diversion.
The original plan and the one that was favoured by the TRF was for a permanent diversion that would have stopped up the old road and provided an entirely new byway. Unfortunately of the seven routes considered, none met with the necessary agreement from landowner and users to proceed unopposed so the authority have gone with the permissive option along the route favoured by the landowner.
On the face of it this may not look like a very good deal for trail rider and I must confess to having being sceptical initially but having seen and ridden the alternative route I can assure members that it is very nice. Of course it is "only" permissive but the authority have taken the very unusual step of linking the continuation of the TRO with the continued public access to the permissive route.
This and the fact that the route chosen is favoured by the landowner appear to bode well for the future of our access here. We will of course continue to monitor the situation closely but for the time being at least trail riders in Norfolk have a new and interesting lane to ride which has the added benefit of providing a link around a section of Peddars Way that was previously out of bounds to bikes.
Although I have been involved in this process as Eastern Area RoW Advisor the bulk of the credit for securing vehicular access to the alternative route should go to John Trout, Norwich Group RoW Officer. Thanks John.
So there you have it, a TRO story that doesn't have an unhappy ending for a change!
See below for a taster of the new route,
