TRF Forums

Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209
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Author:  pezr46 [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209

Well, found this if it helps:
Its a temporary order given to Wise's lane, between Hatham green lane+South Ash rd.
Was issued Monday 19th November 2007 & should of lasted 18 months.
(so why would a temporary order be needed on top of a permanent one)

I think now the best plan of action is to get in touch with Maidstone library archives,
Ask them if they could search for TRO on the lanes in questions, past or present.
ALL the orders are recorded there.
If something turns up, might be worth booking a table there for a day. Its a win win, if there's no order problem solved, if there is, the KCC can review it.

So far i can find nothing on MR209, still working on that!

Author:  KentWR [ Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209

I have contacted them and we await a reply. If the order can't be found them I am hoping to have the support of the TRF to take this matter all the way.

Author:  KentWR [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209

From KCC. This is what can be found RE MR209

"looks like they are several generations down the line copies that the then Area PROW Officer happened to put on a file rather than the official record but it’s better than nothing"

MR200 & MR209 TRO 1963.pdf [154.28 KiB]
Downloaded 1559 times

Author:  pezr46 [ Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209

Sorry been out the loop for a while.

This all come about because KCC offered to look at recinding the order on the byway. They said they could only look at doing this once they had a copy of the order.

Now it can't be found so they were willing to look at it to see why it was made and what had changed clearly that can't be done if the order cannot be found.

Is this sufficient enough to ask for a review as offered by KCC?? Can KCC also supply the print
from the London Gazette as mentioned before??

Author:  KentWR [ Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stanstead byways - Kent MR200 and MR209

Its basically only half the order so no. plus Graham Rusling KCC rights of way won't review the lane they would rather waste more public funds consulting on the management of other byways in the area..

Check out the KentTRF forum mate for further info.

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